Monday, February 24, 2014

Random Monsters in progress

Making progress. Sometimes the dang thing even works.

This creature is called a Mertionscar, or Banetwitch Skeleton
They are a race of hares. It is iron in color and medium, like a human or leopard in size.
It is a Magical Creature, and is of low intelligence. They are Chaotic.
HD 2+2; AC 3 (16); Atk 1 weapon (1d6); Save 16; Special: ; Move 15, burrow 12; Alignment: Neutrality

  • This one worked really well. They could be fey (pookas), constructs (messengers), or just a magical race of giant weapon-wielding rabbits.
  • The S&W monster generator adds a mechanical layer on top of the random monster layer, so right now both produce alignments. I'm tempted to strike alignment out of the random monster creator.
  • I need to add more color variations; or maybe make it a function of type, so Constructs would yield materials rather than color.
  • Looking at the SW Monster DB, there's not as many common special abilities as I'd hoped. That's kinda cool, but also makes more work.

One hour later....
OK, getting better. Random Monster Generator results:
This creature is called a Apinoa, or Beetle Champion. They are a race of sparrows. It is normal in color and medium, like a human or leopard in size. It is a Monstrous Beast, and is of human intelligence. They often lair in sub-tropical woodlands.
This creature is called a Outcitw, or Banewood Boar. It looks like a raven crossed with a troglodyte. It is normal in color and huge, like a giant or elephant in size. It is a Magical Creature, and is of human intelligence. They are known for having a composed attitude. They prefer to live in tropical jungles.

This creature is called a Getdiic, or Fireleech Mystic. It looks like a moth crossed with a rhinoceros. It is white in color and huge, like a giant or elephant in size. It is a Magical Creature, and is of low intelligence. They are known for having a stern attitude. They prefer to live in temperate mountains.

This creature is called a Reen, or Spiredoor Crocodileserpent. It has the body of a horse, the torso of a owl, and the head of a ferret. It is normal in color and small, like a halfling or dog in size. It is a Folk, and is of human intelligence. They live in large clans. They are a violent and a tight-lipped people. They prefer to settle in temperate woodlands.

And S&W Monster Generator: Pretty decent as concepts, I think.
This creature is called a Nalaste, or Shiphaven Pigcrocodile. It has the head of a katydid and the body of a antelope. It is normal in color and tiny, like a rat in size. It is an Animal, and is of animal intelligence. They prefer temperate steppes.
HD 4; AC 6 (13); Atk ; Save 13; Special: ; Move 12; Alignment: Any

This creature is called a Tafitnu, or Hawkspawn Philosopher. It has the body of a bee, the torso of a troglodyte, and the neck of a guardian naga. It is normal in color and large, like an ogre or horse in size. It is a Folk, and is of human intelligence. They live in tiny tribes. They are an opinionated people. They prefer to settle in tropical mountains.
HD 2+2; AC 9 (10); Atk 2 claws (1d4); Save 16; Special: ; Move 15; Alignment: Neutrality

This creature is called a Ntleno, or Spectral Half-lava Wasp. They are a race of parrots. It is gray in color and tiny, like a rat in size. It is a Spirit, and is of human intelligence. They live in temperate hills.
HD 1d6; AC 4 (15); Atk 1 bite (1d4); Save 18; Special: ; Move 3; Alignment: Neutrality

This creature is called a Oouerimkna, or Crystal Spirit. It looks like a coyote crossed with a crane. It is normal in color and medium, like a human or leopard in size. It is a Magical Creature, and is of human intelligence. They are known for having a proud attitude. They prefer to live in tropical swamps.
HD 2; AC 6 (13); Atk 1 bite (1d6); Save 16; Special: ; Move 15; Alignment: Neutrality

This creature is called a Gll, or Leechcat. It looks like a black pudding crossed with a gerbil. It is normal in color and medium, like a human or leopard in size. It is an Animal, and is of animal intelligence. They prefer sub-tropical prairies.
HD 2+1; AC 6 (13); Atk 1 bite (1d4); Save 16; Special: ; Move 9; Alignment: Any

This creature is called a Geneici, or Snakechild Half-lost. It looks like a eagle crossed with a caiman. It is normal in color and large, like an ogre or horse in size. It is a Monstrous Beast, and is of animal intelligence. They often lair in sub-tropical steppes.
HD 2+3; AC 7 (12); Atk 1 weapon (1d6); Save 16; Special: ; Move 15; Alignment: Chaos

This creature is called a Ciposmag, or Fish Witch. It has the body of a nessian warhound, the head of a choker, the hind legs of a giant bee, and the hind legs of a svirfneblin gnome. It is normal in color and medium, like a human or leopard in size. It is a Construct made of silver and white marble and is of animal intelligence..
HD 3+3; AC 7 (12); Atk 2 claws (1d4); Save 14; Special: ; Move 9, swim 15; Alignment: Neutrality

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